Weight can increase due to deposit of fat over the body in excess, increases in amount of fluid such as water in body or gain in muscle weight. As machines are increasing, physical work is decreasing. This results in less burning of calorie than we consume every day. Sometimes development of tumors in body also results in weight gain. So we become overweight. In United States nearly 2/3rd population is overweight.
Overweight results can result in to several medical problems like diabetes, cancer, asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure; heart diseases etc. are some common diseases. It can also lead to early exhaustion even in little work done.
There are several methods are available for reducing weight. These methods are recommended by physicians. One of the simple ways to reduce weight is to more physical workout. This will help in burning extra calories than you gain daily. It will reduce your weight and also keep you fit and healthy. This method has no side effect, but physical work out should be done under supervision of any instructor. Otherwise it may be able to lead to injuries. By this method weight loss process is very slow.
By cutting diet also lead to weight loss. But this needs physical workout too. This is also good technique for reducing weight in significant time. Sometimes this leads lack of nutrition on our body and lead to more medical problems. So diets should be cut in supervision of doctor or any instructor. This is also known as dieting.
Another method of losing weight is use of drugs and other supplements. This is the fast method of reducing weight than physical workout. Focus is a medicine that can be used for weight loss purposes. But it has several side effects. So these methods should be avoided.
Surgery is also one of the methods of losing weight. But this is done when it became very difficult for a person to even workout. In this method fat is removed by using medical techniques by doctor.
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