5 Little Tips that can Help You Lose Weight

5 Little Tips that can Help You Lose Weight

by Renee Kennedy

In order to lose weight and become healthier, you will need to plan a diet that you can stick to. Your diet plan is not a crash diet that you will give up after two weeks; it should be a LIFESTYLE change. Your diet changes must be reasonable or you will not be able to stick to them. That's why making a few subtle changes to your eating and exercise habits may help you develop a healthy diet plan that will, in turn, help you lose weight. Sometimes, the littlest things make the biggest difference.

Look at your diet patterns and decide if there are some nasty patterns that you can break. For instance, are there certain times of day when you just have to have a candy bar? Or are there certain times of day when you can't go without that bag of chips? Think about what you can reasonably give up or even better what can you replace with healthier food choices.

Here are some little habits that you might consider changing. The key is, you are breaking a BAD habit and instilling a GOOD habit in its place. This should be a PERMANENT change. Ask yourself, "Can I maintain this change for the rest of my life?"

Fast Food. Do you eat out everyday for lunch? Start to bring your lunch to work at least 4 days a week Even stopping by McDonald's twice a week can have a big impact on your diet. When you cook at home, you know what's going into your food.

Drinks. When you're thirsty, choose drinks that don't have any calories (water, tea, or diet soft drinks). If your drink choices do have have calories, they should have nutrients. Alcohol and soda both contain useless calories.

Snacks. Do you have a certain time of day that you just HAVE to snack? Fill your cupboard and refrigerator with low calorie snacks. Get rid of those high carbohydrate and sugary snacks.

Dinner. Maybe your hardest time of day is when you sit down to have a big meal. While you're cooking, eat a healthy snack - like a piece of fruit or a few low calorie crackers. Cook only what you will eat (no leftovers). If you make more than you're supposed to eat, serve from the stove, and put leftovers away before you sit down to eat. In other words, do not have extra food sitting in front of you on the table. Do you know that a meat serving should be only as big as a deck of cards?

Exercise. Exercise MUST be a part of your daily routines: When you're shopping, park your car far away from the store. Plan for this and do it EVERY time - especially in the cold weather! (The colder it is, the more calories you will burn.) Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Play a game of hide-and-seek with your kids. When you take the dog for a walk, make it a brisk walk. Can you find some way to sneak in some exercise everyday? Look carefully at your routines and plan something that you don't mind doing. If you like it, chances are you will continue to do it.

Check out this article by Wendy Hearn: Weight Loss: Eat To Live - Not Live To Eat She talks about how to break the habit of eating when you're not hungry.

Come and visit the NutriCounter web site for more information on how nutrition influences weight loss, diabetes, pregnancy, heart disease and more!

Renee Kennedy may be contacted at http://www.nutricounter.com

Email renee@napuda.com

3 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Are Guaranteed Effective - Easily Slim Down Your Body Lightning Fast!

I most certainly had to learn the hard way early on that losing weight, burning fat, and building lean muscle can ONLY come about by doing things that are 100% natural. If you want to avoid the mistakes I made and make sure you get the body of your dreams... permanently, then read on for 3 fast weight loss tips that wound up helping me FINALLY get the body of my dreams!

1.) The 3 Super Nutrient Amigos - There are 3 incredibly powerful nutrients that I strongly recommend you get plenty of if you want to maximize your metabolism, flush harmful toxins out of your body, build lean muscle tissue, and so much more. Those 3 nutrients are fiber, antioxidants, and protein.

2.) Burn Off Stored Calories - If you exercise later in the day, then you will burn off the calories that you have eaten throughout the day. However, if you exercise first in the morning before eating a major meal (I do recommend that you get at least a protein shake to prevent catabolism), then you will be burning off STORED CALORIES... better known as stored fat!

3.) Avoid Nonsense Dieting - My friend, I have been on more ridiculous diet programs than I care to remember! The types of diets that I strongly recommend you avoid are the low carb, low-fat, low-calorie types of diets. These diet programs will never work given that they are all unnatural and the body will never respond well to you restricting nutrients and/or calories. These diet companies want you to believe that it must take some "special" gimmick to lose weight, but the fact of the matter is that food is actually NOT the enemy!

What I suggest you do if you want to seriously slim down your body incredibly fast, easy, and permanently is to search for a diet program that is based on getting 100% proper nutrition and increasing your metabolism to the maximum peak. A diet such as this enabled me to lose an amazing 52 pounds of fat in 8 weeks times... permanently!

BONUS TIP: One little tip to help avoid overeating is to use smaller plates when you eat your meals. It sounds incredibly simple, but trust me on this... it works like a charm!

Bottom line, by sticking with those 3 simple tips above, I wound up getting the body of my dreams in just around 2 months time, and it was easy, consistent, and my results have been permanent. You can rest assure that if you follow those tips above and get yourself on a natural diet based around eating NORMAL FOODS (no starving or annoying cravings), then you too can develop the body you have worked so hard to achieve... and your results will be PERMANENT!

By Avy Barnes

So, if you want to Melt Away Belly Fat FAST and drop 9 pounds EVERY 11 DAYS, then I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 52 lbs. of fat in 2 months using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

8 Fun and Easy Ways to Love Eating, Lose Weight, and Stop Being a Slave to Food!

8 Fun and Easy Ways to Love Eating, Lose Weight, and Stop Being a Slave to Food!

by Connie de Veer, MFA, CPCC

What happened? It was all so clear to me a month ago --- I was sure I could be satisfied at 9 pm with a half an apple and my last, preciously guarded bread exchange, patiently watching the poundage drop off at a sensible 1.5 pounds a week, eyes on the target, firm of resolve; clear of mind. Then, late one afternoon, that little inner voice says “I WANT COOKIES!... No, I mean I REALLY want cookies. I’m not hungry, I just want cookies...and I want them NOW!!!

That firm resolve that was so clear and present yesterday is nowhere to be found. I can’t seem to recall what I thought was so darned important that I had to deny myself that simplest of pleasures --- cookies and milk. I look in the mirror and say to myself, “for a middle-aged woman you’re not so bad. Besides, why are you trying to be a svelte sex-goddess at your age, anyway? You should be secure enough that you can accept yourself, no matter what size you are.” (blah-blah-blah!)

Can you relate? This scenario has played itself out in my life more times than I care to recall. But recently, I finally had enough, and used the skills I use to coach other people to success, to jump start my own weight loss plan and re-boot my resolve. And it worked! Now I want to spread the news! Here are the coaching techniques I used to get off the diet merry-go-round and lose weight. And you can do it, too!

1. Envision your goal If you’re vague about where you’re heading and why you want it, you won’t get there! So, write out (or, if you hate to journal, speak it into a tape recorder, or speak it to a friend who’ll write it down for you), a beautiful, blissful, perfect, 100% satisfaction, no limits, no negative self-talk picture of what you want to achieve in your eating habits. Be as specific as possible, and use as many sensory details as you can come up with. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make this fun!! When you have a clear idea of what you want, the how-you-get-there piece gets easier and clearer. If your resolve starts to wane throughout your journey, take this out and read it again.

Complete the following statements to stimulate your thinking:

• I want to feel ________

• I see myself __________

• I am “having”…”being”…”doing”…____________

2. Food Association Journal Set aside about a half an hour for this. Take inventory of all the associations you have with food. Sit down and write it all out. The good, the bad, and the ugly! Let your unconscious mind and your imagination go nuts with this one. Draw pictures even, if you want to! But get down on paper, every attitude, belief, opinion, love, and hate that shows up when you think about or have anything to do with food.

Example: “Food is Mom! The smell of meatloaf, corn, and baked potatoes when I came in from playing as a kid.” or “Food is bad --- It tempts me at every turn and I have no control over it!”

3. Values Assessment Take a look at your Food Association Journal and from it, pull out as many things that you value, deem really important, must have, and love about food. Write them down. (Bear in mind that when coaches refer to values, we don’t mean what you think you should think is important, or what someone else thinks is valuable. Values in this context refer to those things that aren’t either “right” or “wrong.” Like emotions, they just “are.”)

For example:

fresh/colorful/vibrant/nourishing celebratory/social/seasonal rituals/family

How will you honor those values on your healthy eating plan? (So you ENJOY this journey, and don’t feel deprived or “punished!”)

4. Start – and stick with – a food journal Create a plan for what you’re going to eat, and then write down everything you do eat, even when it deviates from the straight and narrow path. WRITE IT ALL DOWN! Awareness of a habit is MOST of the solution. And you might be surprised when you tally up whatever units you’re counting (calories, fat grams, etc.) It may be less than you think, and then you’ll be less likely to throw the towel in on your whole goal.

5. Craving Antidotes Make a list of at least 10 antidotes you can call forth when you’re hit with a food craving.

Things like:

• re-read your vision

• a picture (from a magazine, drawing, photo, etc.) that captures the feeling and look of what you want to achieve. (Mine is a woman, about my age and coloring, in a cool turquoise swimsuit, enjoying the beach!)

• a mantra, or affirmation that calls forth your inner strength and resources.

• activities you can choose instead of eating: For example, a hot bubble bath, an invigorating walk, call a friend, read a juicy novel…

6. Get back in your body! That’s right. We often disassociate from our bodies by turning our attention to analyzing, judging, planning, or otherwise medicating (with food, drugs, alcohol, and other repetitive thoughts and behaviors) in an attempt to avoid being present in the everyday struggles of life. The body is an undeniable reminder of where we’ve been and where we’re headed! It’s our bodies that show the effects of time, stress, and the choices we’ve made in a visible and concrete way. So, crafty, adaptable animals that we are, we’ve learned to escape by “going into our heads,” so to speak. Well, now it’s time to call yourself back home to your body!

Set aside some quiet time to be alone and undistracted. Check in with your body. Notice what it feels like to inhabit this body. Ask yourself the following questions:

•Where does my energy feel sluggish, or stuck? Be specific. Your body knows, if you give it a chance to “speak.”

•What am I hungry for (other than food --- like love, appreciation, justice, etc.), and how will I choose to get it?

• What food does my body want/need right now? And what choice will I make?

• How do I want to feel, in my body? Be as specific as possible. For example, “I want to feel light in my knees, and free and unencumbered in my lower abdomen.”

7. Expect obstacles and relapses now and then. I promise you, they will happen. But get the big picture – one little slip up (or even two or three...) does not mean your goal is doomed. Weight fluctuates. Period. Whether you’re trying to lose or gain, your mostly fluid body will ebb and flow. You are not a victim of your humanity! You can choose whether to stay stuck, or get back on track.

8. Take the scenic route I don’t know about you, but for me, I wanted to change my eating habits for life, and I certainly didn’t want to spend my life feeling deprived!! So I decided to consciously choose what I call, “Pauses on the scenic route,” --- You know, like when you decide to take longer to get to the Grand Canyon so you can stop periodically and really soak in the scenery? I decided to give myself permission to deviate from my eating plan now and then. My only rules were:

• Enjoy every delectable morsel!

• Make it REALLY good quality and something I really love and want!

• Get right back on the program after I enjoy the “Scenic Lookout”

• No bingeing

This also means I didn’t lose the classic 1.5 – 2 pounds a week. So what! It means that I am in control, at choice, and am not a slave to my (former!) addiction to food. You can be in control and at choice, too!

Connie de Veer, MFA, CPCC may be contacted at http://www.cdvcoaching.com

Email cdvcoaching1@aol.com. Connie de Veer, MFA, CPCC, is a Certified Professional Coach and owner of CdV Coaching-for Breakthrough Performance. She is the author and developer of “Pull the Plug on Panic: Speak With Confidence” e-book, workshop, and Performance Coaching Program.